Συγκριτική γεωχημική και πετρογενετικήγ μελέτη των γρανιτών από τις περιοχές: Κερκίνη, Αρναία, Δεσκάτη και Αρδασσα = Comparative geoxhemical and petrogenetic study of granites from the areas: Kerkini, Arna;ia, Deskati and Ardassa.
In the bachelor thesis, the granitic complexes from the areas: Kerkini, Arnaia, Deskati and Ardassa are studied comparatively, from a geochemical and petrogenetic point of view. The selection of these granite rocks was made taking into account previous works (Christofides et al., 1999 & 2007, Poli, 2009, Koronaios et al., 2015, Petarouda, 2015), which claim that these rocks are A-type. Three of the four granite rocks have a similar age (Permotriassic), while the age of Deskati, according to newer views, is Upper Proterozoic (Christofides et al., 1999 & 2007, Poli et al., 2009, Alagna, 2006, Katerinopoulos et al ., 1998, Zlatkin et al., 2014). However, it is included in this paper for comparison purposes.It is worth mentioning that the four granites penetrate into metamorphic rocks of the Serbo-Macedonian Mass (Kerkini and Arnaia) and the Pelagonian Zone (Deskati and Ardassa), on either side of the wider area of the Axios zone. The following chapters describe the geology of both the areas in which the granites are located and the areas that penetrate. The petrography and classification of granitic complexes are determined with the help of macroscopic and microscopic observation, as well as discrete diagrams. Next, there is the report of the ages calculated by the researchers for the four granitic appearances and then the geochemistry of the rocks is analyzed, according to diagrams of main elements and trace elements, rare earths and multi-element diagrams. The A-type granite group and its features are described below because all four granites have been designated A-type in the past. In addition, in the chapter on Petrogenesis, the geotectonic environment, the type and the origin of the magma for the granitic appearances are studied, with the help of the respective diagrams. At the end of the thesis, the conclusions are presented.
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