Συστηματική ταξινόμηση τμήματος κρανίου προβισκιδωτού από τις συλλογές του Μουσείου Γεωλογίας-Παλαιοντολογίας-Παλαιοανθρωπολογίας = Taxonomy of a partial proboscidean cranium in the collections of the Museum of Geology-Paleontology-Paleoanthropology.
The taxonomic study of proboscidean fossil remains found in the surroundings of Tsotili village (Kozani) allow their attribution to the species Palaeoloxodon antiquus. The recovered material includes two upper molars and a nearly complete mandible which carries 3 more molars, 2 m2s that are located on the mandible and one m3 within the alveol. The taxonomy was based on both morphological criteria, such as the presence of the loxodont sinus, as well as on comparisons with other Pleistocene Eurasian proboscideans. The age of death is estimated at about 27 AEY while the paleoenvironment was fluvial as shown by stratigraphic data.
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