Μορφομετρική σύγκριση του Νυκτερευτή του Δαφνερού (Κατώτατο Πλειστόκαινο, Ελλάδα) με το σύγχρονο Ασιατικό Νυκτερευτή = Morphometric comparison of the Nyctereutes of Dafnero (Late Psteistocene, Greece) with the modern Asian Raccoon Dog (Nyctereutes Procyonoides).
Τhe primary goal of this bachelor thesis was to compare the morphometric characteristics of the Nyctereutes of Dafnero (DFN-17, DFN-20, DFN3-8, DFN3-154, DFN3-155 and DFN3-342) to the modern Asian Nyctereutes procyonoides, also known as raccoon dogs. The ecology of raccoon dogs is discussed, as well as the characteristics of the subspecies (N. p. albus, N. p. procyonoides, N. p. koreensis, N. p. orestes, N. p. ussuriensis, and N. p. viverrinus). An overview of the modern species distribution is provided, beginning in Asia where it originated and continuing its spread to Europe, with its introduction to Europe from the 20th century to the present time. Furthermore, a presentation of the genus’ fossil record is presented on the 3 continents of discoveries (Asia, Africa and Europe) and the chronological evolution of the different species with their features and relationships between them is given. The site of Dafnero was examined, with reference to its geographical and geological characteristics. The morphological study of the most significant anatomical features of the studied specimens was also done, which previously led to its classification in the genus Nyctereutes and furthermore in the species Nyctereutes megamastoides based on the findings of the primary excavation site (DFN-17 and DFN-20). The measurements on the different Dafnero samples were statistically analyzed, followed by a morphometric comparison of the modern species with the studied fossil specimens. Finally, the non-correlation of the Dafnero samples with the current species is determined throughout this procedure, and the presence of more than one Nyctereutes in the examined material is recognized.
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Διαδικτυακές Πηγές
https://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/72656 (τελευταία επεξεργασία 20-10-2019)
https://encounterswithwildlife.wordpress.com/2019/04/16/why-does-finland-need-a-change-in-legislation-concerning-the-raccoon-dog/ (αναρτήθηκε 16-04-2019)
https://news.rspca.org.uk/2017/01/11/raccoon-dog-rescued-after-getting-caught-in-trap-in-derbyshire/ (αναρτήθηκε 11-01-2017)
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/03/18/rspca-calls-ban-sale-raccoon-dogs-pose-threat-wildlife/ (αναρτήθηκε 18-03-2017)
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