Ορυκτολογική – Πετρολογική – Γεωχημική μελέτη πετρωμάτων των λατομείων Πέτρας της περιοχής Πετρωτών, Ορεστιάδας, Έβρου = Mineralogical – Petrological – Geochemical rock study of the Petra quarries in Petrota region, Orestiada, Evros.
The aim of the present study is to investigate the volcaniclastic formations of the broader area of Petrota village, in Evros Prefecture, northeastern Greece. The volcaniclastic formations are products of the Paleogene volcanism of the Sheinovets caldera. Samples from seven (7) different locations were studied, covering a surface of about 5 km in length and 2 km in width. Macroscopically, the samples display a greyish white to green color, and they are partially or fully zeolitized. The rhyolitic bodies found at Palaeokklisi and Mavri Petra sites display a reddish color and remain unaltered. Xenoliths deriving from the metamorphic basement (mica schists, amphibolites, etc.), can be found scattered within the zeolitized formations, and therefore, they can be considered as tuff breccia. The minerals that prevail in the zeolitized deposits are clinoptilolite, quartz, cristobalite, feldspars and micas, while locally and in small amounts, mordenite was also detected. The volcaniclastic rocks of Petrota region are considered epiclastic since they have occurred from the transportation of volcanic ash via water activity, after the eruptive event in Sheinovets caldera, during the Eocene. The diagenetic process initiated under an open hydrological system. The high porosity of the tuffaceous deposits permitted the percolation of both meteoric water and groundwater. Initially, the highly acidic depositional environment prevented the formation of zeolites, and therefore, argillic minerals were crystallized (celadonite-phegite aggregations). As the environment became alkaline, the crystallization of zeolites was viable, and the matrix that initially consisted of glass shards underwent devitrification and zeolitization, forming characteristic pseudomorphic structures. After zeolitization, tuff breccia was subject to welding, showing a “trachytic texture”. The boundaries of the glass shards in the samples collected from Skafida and Mavri Petra sites remain distinct and thus, the formations in these areas are considered partly welded or unwelded.
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Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία
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