Επίδραση των αρδεύσεων στη βραχυπρόθεσμη πρόγνωση καιρού κατά τη θερμή περίοδο στη βόρειο Ελλάδα = The effect of irrigation in the short-term weather prediction in northern Greece during the warm period.
The purpose of this dissertation was to study and evaluate the impact of irrigation on the short-term weather forecasts in Northern Greece. To this end, 98 high-resolution (1.333Km) short-term numerical weather forecasts were performed with the WRF regional numerical weather prediction model. These forecasts refer to the cold start initialization of the numerical weather prediction model WRF-ARW, following the 00UTC forecast cycle of the dates of the period from 24/5/2010 to 7/11/2010, and with a forecast horizon of 78 hours, using two different initializations of the soil moisture in the irrigated areas of Northern Greece. The first initialization of soil moisture in irrigated areas was realized using the soil moisture fields of ECMWF analyses, which do not reflect the excess of soil moisture due to irrigation, while the second one was performed by assuming that in all irrigated areas soil moisture is fixed at the field capacity level, except for rice fields which assumed to be fixed at the point of saturation following the rice farming practice. The forecasts produced with the initialization of soil moisture from the ECMWF analyses are the reference point (control) based on which the predictability of the forecasts that have differentiated soil moisture in irrigated areas (experiment) is compared. The forecasts with the two different initializations of soil moisture, were compared and evaluated with data from surface station observations, in terms of their predictability to forecasting temperature and relative humidity at 2m, wind speed at 10m and cumulative precipitation. The results of the statistical evaluation of the predictions of the two numerical experiments, showed that the effect of irrigation on precipitation is negligible both in terms of the existence of the event (categorical criteria) and in terms of quantity. Considering relative humidity at a height of 2m and wind speed at a height of 10m, there seems to be a significant improvement in terms of the predictability of the model, when taking into account the excess of soil moisture due to irrigation. In regard to temperature, it seems an improvement of the predictability during the day, while it worsens during the afternoon and night hours.
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