Μελέτη του καύσωνα του 2019 στα μεγάλα αστικά κέντρα του ευρωπαϊκού χώρου: εφαρμογή του σύγχρονου δείκτη καύσωνα EHF (Excess Heat Factor) = On the study of the heat wave of 2019 in European capital cities: Application of the updated heat wave index EHF (Excess Heat Factor).
In this study, the summer heat wave of 2019 is detected and analyzed in 20 European capital cities using the updated heatwave index Excess Heat Factor (EHF). The main scope of the study has been the combination of the characteristics of this heat wave and the adverse effects that the humans may be influenced by. For this purpose, daily maximum, minimum and mean temperature data was utilized for the time period from 1961 to 2019 for 20 European capital cities. This data was taken from the European Climate Assessment & Dataset (ECA&D) database. Initially, an attempt is made to define this extreme phenomenon. Moreover, the main characteristics of heat waves in general and more specifically of 2019 heat wave in Europe are presented as well as how the EHF index is used in their detection. In addition, the calculated extreme temperature indices are analyzed in detail and are visualized through diagrams and tables in the result chapter. Furthermore, the basic climatic characteristics of the research regions are given. Finally, the episodes of the heatwave of 2019 for each summer month in each of the European capitals are noted after the application of the EHF index. Using the EHI acclimatization index, the 2019 heat wave is investigated and analyzed not only from a statistical point of view, but also its possible adverse effects on people and their health.
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