Αξιολόγηση των τεχνικογεωλογικών παραμέτρων εκδήλωσης εδαφικής ροής στην περιοχή Περιβόλι Γρεβενών και διερεύνηση του μηχανισμού της = Evaluation of the geotechnical parameters of a mudflow and the investigation of its mechanism in the area Perivoli, Grevena area.
The current master thesis was conducted for the engineering geological interpretation, surveying and analysis of flows, particularly mudflows. Main focus of it was a mudflow phenomenon that occurred in Perivoli, Grevena, on the 13th of January of 2019. The aim of this study was initially to determine the nature of the mudflow and afterwards to identify and quantify the factors and the parameters that related to its occurrence, with the implementation of high-end remote sensing technologies. In order for these goals to be achieved, this study was segmented in four (4) main sections. In the first section, the main characteristic of mudflows was presented in a broader context, based mainly on a detailed literature review. In particular, the parameters and the factors that control their occurrence were specified and the methodology regarding the modeling of mudflow was established. Lastly, the most common mitigation measures for similar flow events were analyzed.
In the second section of this study, the main triggering fators and manifestations of the case study Perivoli’s mudflow were presented. The three (3) main axes of data collection in the current study was: a) the field surveys that were performed from the source areas to the deposition areas through the spreading axes, b) the conditions in the area of interest which triggering the mudflow and c) the testimonies of the residents who witnessed the events. In the third section, the methodology and the results of the laboratory tests of the soil samples that were collected from the area were discussed. These analyses led to the classification of the soil material in terms of; particle size distribution, characteristics and strength. Also, they led to the identification of the material's origin, type and its parameterization. Lastly, the fourth section includes the detailed presentation of the methodology that was followed regarding the mudflow monitoring with the usage of a LiDAR scanner. Final result of this aforementioned analysis was the creation of a susceptibility map of the area via Flow -R (University of Lausanne) software, using parameters that have evaluate in other places.
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Σ. ΠΑΠΑΣΠΥΡΟΥ, 2013, Λασnορροή σε αργιλώδη εδάφη
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