Φασματική ανάλυση σεισμικών καταγραφών του σεισμικού παρατηρητηρίου argonet στην Κεφαλονιά = Spectral analysis of seismic records taken by the seismic observatory argonet in Caphalonia.
The in-situ estimation of seismic wave attenuation is a difficult task due to the requirement of a borehole vertical array. For the estimation of shear wave attenuation, among other parameters, the so-called kappa is used. The parameter κ (kappa), introduced by Anderson and Hough (1984), is related to high-frequency attenuation, and although yet least understood, has become a useful tool in engineering seismology. The operation of the ARGONET vertical array during the past 5 years in a high seis-micity region of Europe (Kefalonia, Greece), provided a rich dataset of earthquake recordings occurred in the proximity of the array (www.argonet-kefalonia.org). The site of the ARGONET array has been characterized by in situ investigation and laboratory testing and consists of 2 surface and 4 borehole broadband accelerometers in various depths up to the seismic bedrock at 84m. In order to estimate the kappa-κ parameter in all 6 accelerometers a dataset of 82 earthquakes with magnitudes 3.0≤M≤ 4.8 and epicentral distances Rep.≤40km were selected. The fmax is visually picked for each recording as well as the frequencies fE, fN, defining the high frequency range where kappa parameter is measured. The parameter kappa is examined as a function of distance for each accelerometer and its zero-distance value, κ0 is calculated. In addition, provided that κ0 is related to the total effective attenuation in high frequencies, Qs=Qeff=1/Qsc +1/Qan, in the upper 84m thickness layers and with κ0 being proportional to [Qeff]-1, it is found that the calculated with this approach Qeff, provides values reasonably close to those of from laboratory testing or those of the widely accepted rule of thumb Qs~Vs/10. In turn, theoretical 1D site response estimation using attenuation factor calculated in-situ as in this study, may provide realistic results of ground motion amplification, with respect to bedrock seismic excitation.
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