Εφαρμογή του δείκτη υδρομορφολογικής ποιότητας κοιτών (MQI) στον ποταμό του Έβρου = Application of the hydromorphological quaility index (MQI) in Evros river.
The present document shares information about the appliance of hydromorphological quality index in Evros river. Evros is cross-border river between Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria. It is a relatively undisturbed river that can flood almost every year from the uncontrolled upstream water supplies. The flooding events create a big problem in the society of the region because the biggest percentage of the population is farmers. Europe with the hope of managing rivers created two laws. The first one is the law of 2000 and it was voted for the appliance of good ecological quality of rivers and the second law for the flood management in European countries. Many researchers tried to combine the two laws and to find assessment methods for the ecology and morphology of the rivers. One of the methods that combined ecology and hydromorphology was the method of morphological quality index MQI and it is the method that was used in the present document to evaluate the morphological conditions of Evros river. The MQI method is part of a bigger evaluation method of both hydromorphology and ecology named IDRAIM. The appliance of the MQI in Evros river showed that the hydromorphology of the river in most of the channels is good. This is something that proves that very little interventions have occurred in the Greek part of Evros river and that it is functioning morphologically in the best possible way
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