Τουρμαλίνης: δομή, ορυκτοχημεία, πολύτιμες ποικιλίες = Tourmaline: structure chemistry, precious varieties.
The subject of this thesis is the description of the mineral tourmaline. The crystallographic structure and the arrangement of atoms in the crystal lattice are given. The physical properties of tourmaline (i.e., the macroscopic characteristics) such us color, shape, hardness and luster are also described. The mineral chemistry of tourmaline is given and its varieties are analyzed. Subsequently, tourmaline microscopic features are mentioned. The precious varieties of tourmaline are described as well as their uses. Moreover, the phenomenon of pyroelectricity and piezoelectricity which are characteristics of tourmaline are described. Finally, this thesis concludes with tourmaline occurrences in Greece as well as abroad.
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