Θέματα τεχνικογεωλογικής συμπεριφοράς και προσωρινής υποστήριξης των βραχομαζών κατά τη διάνοιξη της σήραγγας Δημαρίου στον κάθετο άξονα της Εγνατίας οδού Ξάνθη-Εχίνος-Ελληνοβουλγαρικά σύνορα = Evaluation of the engineering geological behaviour and the type of the temporary support measures for the construction of Dimario tunnel, on the vertical axis road of Egnatia highway, Xanthi-Echinos-Greek-Bulgarian borders.
The current master thesis deals with the engineering geological behaviour and the type of temporary (immediate) support measures of the rockmasses which are due to be encountered during the excavation of the Dimario tunnel. This sole road tunnel, of 475m length is located in the newly developed vertical axis of the Egnatia Highway, more specifically in the Xanthi-Echinos-Greek-Bulgarian Borders region at the Northeastern section of continental Greece. From a geological point of view, the construction site lies within the Rodopi Molasse which is consisted of sedimentary formations (mainly sandstones and siltstones) with volcanic formations (volcanic toffs and agglomerates) unevenly infiltrating them. The purpose of this thesis is the quantitative evaluation of all the geological-engineering geological-geotechnical factors governing the aforementioned rockmasses and since the identification of the potential types of failure likely to occur during the excavation of the tunnel. Consequently, depending on the properties of each individual formation, discrete Engineering Geological Units (E.G.U.) were created, and subsequently appropriate typical cross-sections referential to each one or in a combination of them were proposed. Ultimately, in conjunction with all the above, temporary support measures are proposed, in a qualitative approach, for their implementation during the stage of the excavation of the Dimario tunnel.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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