Ορυκτά τιτανίου: ιλμενίτης, τιτανίτης, ρουτίλιο. Δομή, ορυκτοχημεία, εμφανίσεις = Titanium minerals: ilmenite, titanite, rutile. Structure, mineral chemistry, occurrences.
Titanium is a chemical element that is widely used in our lives, especially in recent decades with the development of innovative mining and processing methods. The aim of this Bachelor thesis is the review of three titanium minerals: ilmenite, titanite and rutile. After an extensive analysis of titanium as a chemical element, information is presented regarding the formation, structure, chemical composition and appearance of the minerals mentioned above, in various geotectonic environments and rocks. In the end, the importance of titanium and its minerals in various scientific fields, as well as in industry are pointed out. In addition to being a key element in many objects that are essential to our lives, titanium is used in more advanced applications such as aviation and biomedicine due to its unique properties. That is why the development of more economical and more efficient mining and processing methods is crucial.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
Αγγλική βιβλιογραφία
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Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία
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