Συνοπτική μελέτη της ψυχρής εισβολής του Ιανουαρίου του 2019 στη Θεσσαλονίκη = Synoptic study of the January 2013 cold invasion in Thessaloniki.
In this dissertation the case of a cold wave is being studied. It begun from the eastern parts of Scandinavia on January 2nd 2019 and moved towards the region of Greece at high speed, where it remained until January 9th. As a result, severe snowstorms occurred in specific regions of Northern Greece, especially at the Prefecture of Thessaloniki, where in some low altitude flat areas over 50 cm of snow were accumulated. For that reason, this study focuses on this area. Initially, the results of this severe phenomenon are being discussed. Afterwards, an analysis of the synoptic situations of the atmosphere is being made, aiming for a deeper understanding of the causes of this phenomenon. The rise of a high pressure system towards Western and Northern Europe in combination with a trough existing just north - northeast of Greece, seem to be the main reasons for the intrusion of cold air masses in Southeastern Europe. These cold air masses, along with low pressure systems coming from the Ionian Sea, caused snowfalls, mostly in Northern Greece. Lastly, some snowfall related meteorological parameters are being analyzed. These parameters provide an explanation for the increased amount of snow that fell at some parts of the Thessaloniki Prefecture. A convergence line just above the surface, in combination with some geomorphological factors, were responsible for the locally severe snowfalls.
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