Τεχνικογεωλογική και γεωτεχνική αξιολόγηση κατά μήκος της σήραγγας Πεύκων με τη χρήση γεωφυσικών μεθόδων = Εngineering geological and geotechnical assessment, along tunnel section in “Pefka” area, Thessaloniki, by use of geophysical methods.
The present thesis is a product of cross-sectoral partnership of the Faculty of Geology, between the Department of Applied Geology (Technical Geology) and the Department of Geophysics. The main object is the verification of the engineering geological conditions in a part of the planned tunnel section of Asvestochori in the area of Retziki (Pefka) of Thessaloniki. The targeted area is significantly complex from a geological point of view, as well as in terms of its technical design parameters, where the conventional method of "mapping" the engineering geological profile of an area fails to provide safe answers to the problems that arise. In addition to the intense tectonic activity, which creates an unclear pattern of stratification of geological formations, we should also consider the variation of quality and condition of rock masses, which create a wide range of heterogeneity of geotechnical features. Indications of presence of cavities and faults in a close proximity to each other, makes it imperative to combine the conventional "tracking" of the engineering geological profile with a geophysical method of the highest possible reliability, which will work ancillary, for the solution of inquiries such as water permeability and the associated risks of inputs, existence of faults and the consequent modification of geological composition in the study area.
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