Διαμόρφωση πιλοτικών μαθημάτων σε ειδικές ενότητες Γεωλογίας Α' και Β' Γυμνασίου με χρήση ΤΠΕ = Pillot lessons using ICT in s[ecial units of Geology for the 1rst and 2nd grade at Gymasium.
In recent years, the degradation of the science of geology in secondary education has become apparent. The course of Geology-Geography of the first two grades of gymnasium, which has been repeatedly underestimated by the Ministry of Education, contains minimal geological cognitive content, while for the most part teachers avoid deepening in this subject, with students being recipients of sterile knowledge, exclusively of geographical information of the earth, which is transient. Noteworthy is also the absence of laboratory activities in the field of geology that makes the object boring and inaccessible to students. This situation prevails in a seismic and volcanic country with an intense relief and a great geological history. The period of distance learning, due to the coronavirus that has hit the planet, has been quite difficult both in the adaptation of students and teachers, as well as in the implementation of teaching. However, it was a great opportunity for the establishment of teaching with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (abbreviated as ICT), which in other countries is quite widespread and effective. The Internet is an important tool, which freely offers countless information that every teacher, after verifying and processing it, can take advantage of in order to enrich the lessons of the textbook and shape them according to the needs and weaknesses of the students, so that they are not only interesting but also effective. Images, videos and other interactive programs enhance the knowledge students receive. For this dissertation, three complete courses were created after major research. The topics are part of the textbooks of Geology-Geography course, and are enriched with digital material, activities and experiments that will enhance the students' perception and stimulate their interest. These courses are the following: 1) Geological time & the Earth's Interior, 2) Geological history of Europe & Greece and 3) Earthquakes & Volcanoes. These modules were chosen because of many popular misunderstandings of the students, but also difficulties that have been observed in the perception of many included concepts. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to act as a tool for teachers, to be inspired through it and to use the material included in order to enhance their teaching with the use of ICT in classrooms and the effective and substantial transmission of knowledge to their students.
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