Τα κρίσιμα μέταλλα Γάλλιο, Ίνδιο και Γερμάνιο = The critical metals Gallium, Indium and Germanium.
This diploma thesis focuses on the study of the metals gallium, indium and germanium. These rare metals are important factors in today's high-tech society and electrical components in general. They belong in the category of the critical metals and play an important role in the efficiency of the use of available resources, used and consumed in millions of tons. Gallium is widely used in semiconductors, germanium has significant applications in optical materials and indium in liquid crystal displays (LCD). Gallium is currently produced as a by-product of bauxite processing and from zinc processing residues, although the largest reserves are associated with phosphate ores. Germanium and indium are recovered during the zinc production process.
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