Μελέτη της σεισμικής ακολουθίας στον ευρύτερο χώρο της Νισύρου το 2021 (Ιανουάριος – Οκτώβριος 2021) = A study of the seismic sequence in the border area of Nisyros in 2021 (Ianuary - Icriber 2021).
Λέξεις Κλειδιά: Σεισμικότητα, σεισμική ακολουθία, ρήγμα, Νίσυρος, εστιακές συντεταγμένες, χωρική κατανομή, χωροχρονική κατανομή
The study of the seismicity in the area to determine the active structures is important for the reliable assessment of the seismic hazard and for the better prevention and preparation for the consequences of a future strong earthquake. This paper presents the study process of the seismic sequence that took place in the marine area southwest of Nisyros in 2021, from the collection, processing to the presentation of data and results in order to draw conclusions about the seismic area and the evolution of the sequence. The study area is located south-southwest of Nisyros and the data were collected from the Seismological Station of the University of Athens. for earthquakes that occurred in the region from January to October 2021. The processing of the data includes the determination of the focal coordinates which, in combination with additional data and parameters, will help to carry out a spatial and spatiotemporal distribution, in order to define the fault which is responsible for the seismic sequence, as well as the fault-type. The above information will provide a better understanding of the seismic sequence and seismic hazard in the region so that there is better prevention and preparation against a future strong earthquake.
Key words: Seismicity, seismic sequence, fault, Nisyros, focal coordinates, spatial distribution, spatiotemporal distribution
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