Ιζηματολογική μελέτη πυρήνα γεώτρησης στην αρχαιολογική θέση τούμπας Παραδημής, Ροδόπης =Sedimentological study borehole core in the archaeological site of Paradimi tumda, Rhodope.
The Paradimi tumba, that can be found in the area of Komotini, is ground uplift, which constitutes one of the most important Neolithic installations of Thrace. The project "MAPFARM: Mapping the early farmers in Thrace" conducted drilling in the nearby tumba fields, in natural sediments without anthropogenic influence. The purpose of this paper is the sedimentological study of one of these boreholes to determine the environmental conditions that prevailed until today. The sedimentological analysis of fine and coarse grains, carried out with the automated system PARIO and sieves respectively, showed that in the greater part of the borehole the sediments consist of large percentages of silt, followed by sand and finally clay except for some layers where the highest percentage was that of sand with fairly small percentages of silt and clay. From these percentages, the sedimentological parameters and textural maturity that was calculated, the depositional environments for each layer were determined.
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URL1: https://www.komotini.gr/perivalon/fysiko-perivallon
URL2: http://wp.me/p4otm4-82
URL4: https://www.geol.umd.edu/~jmerck/geol342/lectures/06b.html
URL5: https://mapfarm.he.duth.gr/
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