Πολύτιμες ποικιλίες των αστρίων = Precious varieties of feldspars.
This diploma thesis focuses on the bibliographic study of the precious varieties of feldspars. Feldspars are one of the most widespread minerals in the Earth’s crust with great diversity. Certain feldspar varieties are considered precious by humans, because of the special characteristics they possess. Beyond their economical value, these varieties have been incorporated not only in the history of some civilizations, but also in their mythology.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
Ξένη βιβλιογραφία
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Εικ.1: https://www.gemologyonline.com/feldspar.html
Εικ.2: https://austinbeadgallery.com/what-to-look-for-in-labradorite-cabochons/
Εικ.3: https://gem-a.com/gem-hub/gem-knowledge/illuminating-iridescence-iridescent-gemstones
Εικ.4: http://geologylearn.blogspot.com/2016/11/amazonite.html
Εικ.5: https://www.catawiki.com/en/l/17910549-11-ancient-amazonite-stone-beads-berber-morocco
Εικ.6: https://www.mardonjewelers.com/blog/moonstone-a-gem-that-magicks-the-light/
Εικ.7: https://www.geologyin.com/2018/03/what-is-maw-sit-sit.html
Εικ.8: https://www.catawiki.com/en/l/8117053-maw-sit-sit-3-75-ct
Εικ.9: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000927362247.html
Εικ.10: https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/natural-unheated-sunstone-gemstone-pear-shape-cabochon-19589402591.html
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