Μοντέλα μηχανικής μάθησης για την πρόβλεψη ιδιοτήτων ρευστού ταμιευτήρα = Machine learning models to predict reservoir fluid properties.
The purpose of this work is the study of undersaturated reservoir oil viscosity. Starting from the bubble point pressure up to the maximum value of reservoir pressure, given that viscosity value at the bubble point is known, viscosity's change in relation to pressure needs to be predicted. In total, 17 literature correlations were evaluated and their accuracy was judged based on statistical metrics suchs as average relative error and absolute average relative error. Furhtermore, machine learning models were developed in order to create model that predct viscosity's change. Machine learning models were compared with literature correlations in a consistent way so as to be sure of the produced results. The resulting machine learning models perform better on average than even the best performing literature's correlation so the process followed in this work can be considered a success.
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