Μελέτη των χαρακτηριστικών των κυττάρων καταιγίδας στην περιοχή Σερρών-Δράμας κατά τη θερμή περίοδο 2016 – 2020 με τη χρήση μετεωρολογικού ραντάρ = Characteristics of storm cells in the study area of Serres – Drama (N. Greece) for the period May – September between 2016 – 2020, using weather radar.
The need of studying and monitoring weather issues, developed new, modern methods to analyze and quantify precipitation characteristics. Weather radar is one of those new monitor equipment. Weather radar is ground equipment that detects storm cells. Storm cells are nebulae that can produce a significant amount of precipitation. The radar then, through an algorithm, quantifies the characteristics of these cells and writes down their speed, direction, duration, reflectivity and spatial characteristics, such as mass, volume, precipitation area, top and base of cells. In this bachelor thesis, a study is made to determine characteristics of the cells for the period May – September, between 2016 – 2020, in the study area of Serres – Drama, specifically for the Serres and Drama basins and the surrounding mountains. During that period the weather radar in Filiro, Thessaloniki is fully operational. In the first stage, the characteristics of the study area are mentioned, and the characteristics of the cells are described based on specific detection criteria and then, in the next stage, these characteristics are analyzed based on their monthly distribution and relative frequency. Results indicate that cell dynamical characteristics such as reflectivity and cloud top are observed during July and August while the maximum number of cells is observed in June. Cells tend to develop during the afternoon hours while their average duration does not exceed 40 minutes.
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