Κοιτάσματα σε ζώνες οξείδωσης και εμπλουτισμού = Supergene ore in oxidation and enrichment zones.
Ore deposits in oxidation and enrichment zones or supergene deposits are important concentrations of metals because of their economic and environmental interest. From an economic point of view, these deposits are easy to mine at low cost because of their almost surface distribution. In addition, they are sources of useful metals and are of significant interest because of their great mineral variety. From an environmental point of view, these deposits can provide information on both the climatic history of the Earth and the effect of erosion and weathering on the different types of rocks and deposits. Various types of rocks or primary deposits can be the parental material for the formation of the supergene deposits when found in surface conditions. Furthermore, conclusions can be drawn about the weathering behavior of various natural and man-made materials. The metals that can be recovered from this type of deposits vary and depend both on the source and on the prevailing conditions (climatic, pH, Eh, micro-organisms). Some of the most important deposits of this type are the supergene deposits from the oxidation of porphyry Cu deposits, lateritic deposits, "non-sulfide" Zn ores and CIDs (channel iron deposits). In Greece, the most important deposits of this type are the Lavrion, Serifos and Thassos deposits, as well as the Fe-Ni laterite deposits, the bauxite deposits and the Mn oxide deposits in Drama.
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Μέλφος, Β., & Βουδούρης, Π. (2022). Κοιτάσματα της Ελλάδας.
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