Οι ορυκτές πρώτες ύλες για την κατασκευή του γυαλιού και οι χρήσεις αυτού = Mineral raw materials for the construction of glass and its uses.
Glass has always been a material of the utmost importance, both for the industrial sector and for the manufacture of handmade objects with cultural and ethnological value. We constantly encounter it in our daily lives, from the basic equipment of a household and electronic devices, to the priceless exhibits of a museum and the decoration of historical monuments. Millions of tons of glass are produced annually to meet the needs of today's market. However, in order to reach the present day, centuries of tireless efforts have passed in terms of understanding the properties of glass and the constant improvements of its production techniques. In this paper, the main materials for the manufacture of glass, the conditions that contributed to the development of the glass sector as well as its most characteristic applications will be examined.
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