Αχάτης: Δομή, χημική σύσταση και γένεση = Agate: structure, chemical composition and genesis.
In this bachelor thesis, agate is analyzed, based on bibliographic references. First there is an introduction with general information about agates as well as some historical facts. The mechanisms that cause the various colors in agates are then explained and a separation and analysis of its varieties based on color is made. In the second chapter, information is given on the structural composition and specifically on its mineralogy and crystallography, as well as on the color banding that distinguishes agates. Then there is an explanation of some of its varieties with geographical and macroscopic criteria. In the third chapter, which concerns the genesis of agate, the processes of its formation in general and in particular in volcanic, sedimentary and hydrothermal rocks are analyzed. A little mention is also made of the trace elements associated with agates. In the fourth chapter, the chemical composition of agates is analyzed based on some analytical methods. Then in the fifth and last chapter some information is briefly given about specific places of occurrence of agates. Finally, some examples of agate use and exploitation are listed.
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