Σύγχρονες εκτιμήσεις για την κλιματική αλλαγή στην περιοχή της Ευρώπης και της Μεσογείου: Παρόν – Μέλλον, στρατηγικές και Λήψη Μέτρων = Updated estimations of climate change over the European and the Mediterranean Region: Present – Future and measure strategies.
The purpose of the paper was to present climate change and how it is assessed in regards to the Mediterranean and Europe according to the 6th report of the IPCC. To this end, all those studies and data inside the report specifically referring to Europe and the Mediterranean have been gathered and presented. From this presentation it is established that climate change will affect a number of climate impact factors and in particular the following: a) heat and cold, b) humidity and drought, c) wind, d) snow and ice, e) coastal and oceanic phenomena and f) complex events (complex floods). Furthermore, for the Mediterranean in particular, climate change will affect the extent and frequency of warming during the summer months.
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