Μελέτη των Συνοπτικών, Δυναμικών, Θερμοδυναμικών και Δορυφορικών χαρακτηριστικών ενός επεισοδίου χιονόπτωσης στην περιοχή της Θεσσαλονίκης = Study of Synoptic, Dynamic, Thermodynamic and Satellites characteristics a snowfall event in the area of Thessaloniki.
The main aim of this thesis is study the synoptic, dynamic, thermodynamic and satellite characteristics of the snowfall event, between 3 and 5 January 2019 and area of interest in Thessaloniki. For this purpose, using upper level charts, surface charts, height of the wet bulb zero charts, radiosonde data, cross sections of the atmosphere at altitude and satellite data. Specifically, was analyzed upper level charts in isobaric surfaces of 500, 850, 700 and 300 hpa and surface charts, from 2 January 2019 (18 UT, to 6 January 2019 (00 UTC). Was studied the classification of circulation types from 1 to 6 January 2019, with the Hess-Brezowski empirical classification and the Machaira automatic method, to draw more objective conclusions in terms of circulation type who defined the under study snap. Was analyzed, the sections of the atmosphere, with fixed coordinates of the area of Thessaloniki, from 4 January 2019 (00 UTC), to 5 January 2019 (12 UTC), for better estimate the synoptic environment of the barometric system which contributed to the snowfall event. Were studied the thickness values of 1000-500 hpa layer from 2 January 2019 (18 UTC), to 6 January 2019 (00 UTC), to locate the areas where cold and warm air masses prevail. To estimate the form of the observed rain, the height of the wet bulb zero was visualized, from 3 January 2019 (00 UTC), to 6 January 2019 (00 UTC). For the visualization of the structure of the atmosphere at height, using radiosonde data, for the time period 3-6 January 2019 (00 UTC). Were studied the circulation types according to Giannoulakis and the synoptic types according to Barsakis, for the determination the weather type that prevailed during the snowfalls. Were examined the criteria critical indicators for the occurrence of snowfall in Thessaloniki by Makrogiannis and Sachsamanoglou and how these are fulfilled in this case. Using the METAR code of the Thessaloniki airport and the observations at the Meteorological Observatory for the time period 3-5 January 2019, was detected the first snowfall day. To estimate the daily, maximum, minimum temperature and average temperature per day for the time period 3-6 January 2019, but also of how much the temperature deviates from the average climatic values of the month January, using temperature data of the automatic meteorological station of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Were studied the changes in the phases of the North Atlantic Oscilation in the European continent, for the time period 2-7 January 2019, which were associated with the under study snap. For the analysis the spectral and physical characteristics of clouds, using satellite products of the second generation geostationary satellite Meteosat-11. Particularly, for the conduct information in terms of physical characteristics of cloud systems over the study area, was analyzed of the Thermal Infrared (IR10.8), Visual (VIS0.6) and Water Vapor (WV6.2) channels for the period from 2 January 2019 (18 UTC), to 6 January 2019 (00 UTC), with the exception of the visual channel, where the analysis was done for 12 UTC per day. For imprinting some particular characteristics of clouds and their natural quantities, were analyzed the color composition of RGB channels, in the combinations Airmass RGB, Day Microphysics RGB and Night Microphysics RGB, for the time period from 2 January 2019 (18 UTC), to 6 January 2019 (00 UTC), excluding hours without solar light, for the Day Microphysics combination and hours with solar light for the Night Microphysics combination.
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