Μελέτη της εποχικότητας των ακραίων φαινομένων θερμοκρασίας και βροχόπτωσης στην Μεσόγειο = Study of the seasonality of extreme temperature and precipitation events over Mediterranean.
The Mediterranean region has been identified as a "hot-spot" of climate change where the impacts are expected to be particularly severe, with longer and hotter summers, an increase in the frequency and intensity of heat waves, changes in precipitation patterns and a decrease οf the precipitation heights. The aim of this paper is to analyse the seasonality of extreme precipitation and temperatures over the Mediterranean in the future period 2081-2100, and to compare the results with the reference period, using the method of circular statistics. In particular, the data used were retrieved from the last phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), specifically from the CNRM-CM6-1-HR global circulation model for the SSP5-8.5 scenario. The indicator used for extreme precipitation is the 99th percentile of daily precipitation, and the results indicated that an increase in extreme precipitation is expected in the future during the cold season. The 95th percentile of the daily mean temperature was used to study extreme maximum temperature and it is expected that extreme maximum temperature episodes will occur later in the warm season, with the temperature threshold of the percentile being significantly increased compared to the reference period. Finally, with respect to the extreme minimum temperature, the analysis was performed using an extreme indicator defined by the absolute minimum value of the mean daily temperature, which in this case also ranges at higher levels for the period 2081-2100. The results vary spatially, but the changes in the future period seem to occur intra-monthly in January and February.
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