Ερμηνεία δεδομένων μεθόδου παροδικών πεδίων με εφαρμογή σε περιοχή στη Μενεμένη Θεσσαλονίκης = Interpretation of transient electromagnetic data applied in an area of Menemeni, Thessaloniki.
In this undergraduate thesis, the area of an old camp in Menemeni, Thessaloniki was investigated with the method of transient waveforms (TEM method) for the existence of buried tanks with the aim of its reconstruction. Thus, as part of the work, 13 measurements were made on 20-meter-long lines parallel to each other. At the same time, a utility program was developed in the MatLab programming language for the processing and presentation of the data resulting from the measurements. This program uses the measurement data and, using specific equations, calculates the value of the apparent electrical resistivity and the apparent depth at each point of the measurement canvas. The program then creates two-dimensional resistivity depth profiles for each for each measurement line and then combines the information from all measurement lines and creates a three-dimensional apparent electrical resistivity graph. The results obtained after the measurements indicated the existence of a buried tank in the area of the measurements which was confirmed by the subsequent excavation. In conclusion the use of the software helped to better visualize and interpret the TEM data as confirmed by the accurate 3D mapping of the structure of interest indicating its established location.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
Shu Yan, Ming Sheng Chen & Xian Xin Shi (2009) Transient electromagnetic sounding using a 5 m square loop, Exploration Geophysics, 40:2, 193-196, DOI: 10.1071/EG08122
Βλαχονάσιος Χριστοφορίδης Επαμεινώνδας, Θεσσαλονίκη. ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΗ ΤΗΣ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΗΣ ΤΟΜΟΓΡΑΦΙΑΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΟΝ ΕΝΤΟΠΙΣΜΟ ΛΕΙΨΑΝΩΝ ΘΑΜΜΕΝΟΥ ΔΡΟΜΟΥ. Διπλωματική εργασία. https://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html
Παπαζάχος Βασίλειος, Θεσσαλονίκη 1996. Εισαγωγή στην Εφαρμοσμένη Γεωφυσική. Εκδόσεις ΖΗΤΗ.
Τσελέντης Άκης, Παρασκευόπουλος Π. Εφαρμοσμένη Γεωφυσική. Εκδόσεις Liberal Books. , Αθήνα 2013
Τσούρλος Π., Βαργεμέζης Γ. (2023), Παρουσιάσεις μαθήματος Ηλεκτρομαγνητικές Μέθοδοι Γεωφυσικής Διασκόπησης. https://elearning.auth.gr/
WTEM-2 user’s manual http://www.langeoinstrument.com/Transient_Electromagnetic_Instrument/_33.html
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