Ιζηματολογική μελέτη της παράκτιας ζώνης Καριανής, Νομού Καβάλας = Sedimentologica; study of the coastal area of Kariani Kavala's County, Greece.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the shoreline and the changes that it has gone through near the area of Kariani, Kavala’s County, Greece. In order to achieve that, the process was taking photos of the shore every 1 kilometer during field research. Sampling was then carried out from the same selected locations. Satellite images of the last decades (since 1945) from the site of Greek National Registry were also used. With these methods, the results show the changes in the field area of studying. This thesis in the first chapter provides the reader with some general information about shorelines and this one specifically, in the second chapter the research’s methodology is shown, in the third chapter there are all the results of the research, while the fourth chapter is talking about the conclusion of the results.
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URL1. Ελληνικό Κτηματολόγιο, www.ktimanet.gr, 04/07/2023
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