Παλαιο-περιβαλλοντολογικες συνθήκες ιζηματογένεσης των αποθέσεων υποθαλάσσιων ριπιδίων (Ανωτέρου Ηωκαίνου - Κατώτερου Ολιγοκαίνου της λεκάνης της Θράκης, Νήσος Λήμνος, Ελλάδα = Paleoenviromental conditions during the deposition of the Upper Eocene - lower Oligocene sub-marine fan deposits (Thrace Basin, Lemnos, Greece).
This study aims to evaluate the palaioclimatic and palaioenvironmental contitions that prevailed during the deposition of the Upper Eocene - Lower Oligocene submarine fan deposits in Thrace Basin (Lemnos Island).The application of this analysis in the Thrace Basin suggests oxic to dysoxic conditions. The samples from the Thrace Basin are plotted within the field of dry climatic conditions and indicate a low degree of chemical weathering. The studied samples plot close to the PAAS, display narrow range of TiO2/Zr variation and suggest low degree of recycling.
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