Processing and Interpretation of Seismic Profiles with the Use of Paradigm Software = Επεξεργασία και ερμηνεία σεισμικών τομών με τη χρήση του λογισμικού Paradigm.
This particular software is used by a lot of petroleum companies and was based on the seismic stratigraphy of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) sequence and salt- deformation patterns as proposed in recent studies for the deep basins and slopes of the Eastern Mediterranean.
Great scientific interest has been drawn to the Eastern Mediterranean since the discovery of natural gas fields in the sedimentary basins of Herodotus and Levantine in Cyprus and Egypt’s EEZ as well as in Israel. The continental block of Eratosthenes also plays its part in the development of the wider Eastern Mediterranean region. Likewise the Zohr gas field which is only 4-6 km away from block 11 of Cyprus’ EEZ holds an important part in our study area.
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AspenTech Subsurface Science & Engineering . April 2017 Top 5 Paradigm SKUA-GOCAD Training Youtube Channels This entry was posted in computer, Education, Technology. By GEORGE BONET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxR2j2mm7_A https://www.geoforce.com.tw/pdf/SKUA-GOCAD_2019.pdf
Paradigm SKUA-COGAD 22 build 2022.06.20 https://filecr.com/windows/paradigmskua-gocad/?id=381496082000 From Interpretation to Geology 19.10.2019
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