Οικομορφολογική σύγκριση μεταποδίων μεγαλόσωμων ελαφοειδών από το πλειστόκαινο της Βορείου Ελλάδας = Ecomorphological comparison of metapodia of large-body cervids from the pleistocene of Northern Greece.
The deer family (Cervidae, Mammalia) originates from Eurasia and includes many different species. However, their classification is not easy, due to the incomplete fossil record. The first attempt of classification was made by Brooke, in 1878. In the Pleistocene period, there were many different species of deer. The most characteristic ones were the large-body deers, such as Megaloceros giganteus. Climate changes and ice ages forced these animals to adapt their metapods to the respective environments in order to survive and avoid their predators. Τhese environments could have been either open lands or wooded environments. In Greece, and more specifically in the regions of Livakos, Apollonia, Krimni and Petralona, specimens of large deers were found and in this scientific study a comparison is made between them, based on their metapods. In particular, after careful studying of the comparison charts concerning some characteristics, such as the metacarpal and metatarsal bones, as well as their weights, it is concluded that the species that was living in Livakos was the smallest morphologically. Those who were living in Krimni and Petralona show important morphometric similarities between them. However, these are two different species. This in Petralona is possibly slightly larger. Finally, the largest of all the large studied cervids, was the one that was living in Apollonia. Combining the stratigraphy of the areas, with the types of metapods, the conclusions derived are that in Petralona the climate was warm, with steppes and scattered wooded areas, while in Livakos, areas with riparian forests prevailed in river-lake environments. In Apollonia and Krimni, there were more open meadow-type areas.
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