Μελέτη της Ιστορικής Σεισμικότητας σε Σύνδεση με τον Ιστό Ενεργών Ρηγμάτων στην Περιοχή της Θεσσαλίας = Study of Historical Seismicity Associated with the Active Faults Network of Thessaly.
This thesis is an attempt to study the strong earthquakes with magnitudes M≥6.0 in Thessaly area, Greece, in connection with its active faults network. For this purpose, a review of the related literature concerning strong historical earthquakes that occurred in the study area was carried out. Although the historical seismicity data indicate that Thessaly is a region with a low seismicity rates, it is associated with a significant number of strong earthquakes that belong mainly to the historical and early instrumental periods of seismicity. To study the seismicity of the area, 2 complete earthquake catalogs were used covering the periods 1911-2022 and 1975-2022 for earthquakes with magnitudes M≥5.2 and M≥4.1, respectively. Seismicity parameters of the Gutenberg-Richter law were calculated via the least squares method, considering the aforementioned earthquake catalogs. The mean recurrence period of earthquakes with 5.0≤M≤7.0 were calculated, as well. Additionally, the maximum expected magnitudes of each of the 20 main faults of Thessaly region are estimated via empirical relations between the fault length and the corresponding maximum magnitude.
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