Γεωλογικα και κοιτασματολογικα χαρακτηριστικα του κοιτασματος pb-zn-ag-au στην Ολυμπιαδα Χαλκιδικης = Geological and depositional characteristics of the pb-zn-ag-au deposit in Olympias Chalkidiki.
Τhe polymetallic deposits in the mining area of kassandra belong to the massive sulfide replacement type deposits. these deposits show geological similarities to the similar deposits within the serbo-macedonian metallogenic zone and the aegean, but they are distinguished from their high au content. the olympias orebodies are hosted by marbles in contact with, and adjacent to, the kassandra fault, where textural and mineralogical similarities to the stratoni fault sulfides suggest a genetic relationship with these structures. the surrounding rocks consist mainly of marbles, biotite-feldspar gneisses and amphibolites. the rocks have been deformed and metamorphosed in the amphibolite phase. these processes in the kerdylion unit seem to have lasted until the beginning of the tertiary and culminated with anatexis and calc-alkaline magmatism. these occurrences are represented by deformed and undeformed pegmatite-aplite dikes, labrophyre dikes and the 28 ma stratoni granodiorite. this stage is also characterized by contact metamorphic phenomena in the greenschist phase. estimated trapping temperatures and pressures based on fluid inclusion data indicate that mineralization occurred at depths less than about 5.9 km, under hydrostatic conditions. the zoning of the orebody can be used as an indication of the action of the hydrothermal fluid, which were enriched in h2o-nacl and h2o-co2 demonstrating immiscibility processes. the carbonate gangue minerals associated with the mineralization show values of isotopic compositions intermediate between unaltered marble and igneous rock, suggesting the reaction between magmatic hydrothermal fluids and marble. the massive sulfide ore bodies likely inherited the uniform pb isotope composition from an oligocene igneous source and the isotopically heterogeneous metamorphic units of the background.
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