Κοιτάσματα σπάνιων γαιών και ενεργειακή μετάβαση = Rare earth deposits and eneregy transition.
Climate change has been a persistent problem for human society for over three decades, and every year it becomes an even bigger problem. Demand for rare earth deposits is expected to increase by 400-600% in the coming decades, and the need for elements such as lithium and graphite used in electric vehicle batteries will increase by up to 4,000% respectively. The mining of rare earths for industrial use is a relatively modern enterprise. The first mine was Mountain Pass, located in California's Mojave Desert. The mine opened in 1952 to supply uranium for military and research purposes, and methods were developed to isolate and remove rare earth elements to ensure a clean supply of uranium. Today, similar methods are used to remove uranium and thorium during the production of rare earth minerals. Currently, the global supply of rare earth deposits is largely concentrated in China, which controls over 90% of the market. By developing a more resilient and self-sufficient supply chain, each action aims to mitigate these risks and ensure that Europe's energy transition remains on a positive footing. Also, a future tightening of environmental standards related to this sector is more than likely and what has been interpreted as a show of strength is expected to be repeated in the future.
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