Πιθανολογική εκτίμηση και αποάθροιση της σεισμικής επικινδυνότητας του Ελληνικού χώρου με τη συγκριτική αξιολόγηση αριθμητικών μεθόδων και αναλύσεων με τη χρήση συνθετικών καταλόγων = Probabilistic assessment and deaggregation of seismic hazard of the Greek area with the comparative evaluation of numerical methods and analyzes using synthetic catalogs.
In the present thesis, various aspects of the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) for the broader Aegean area are examined, with the use of different methodological tools, such as modern relevant codes (OpenQuake) and a Monte Carlo simulation approach (with the use of synthetic seismicity catalogs). We perform A comparative evaluation of the 5 main areal seismic source models available for the broader Aegean area and of 15 recent Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPE). A logic tree is proposed and used for the creation of an updated seismic hazard map for the broader Aegean area. From its comparison with NEAK2003, we conclude that the latter underestimates the seismic hazard by 1.5-2.5 times. An OFAT Sensitivity Analysis is conducted for Peak Ground Acceleration and Velocity (PGA and PGV, respectively) in 42 selected sites of the Greek area, to identify the controlling factors that mostly affect PSHA results. The controlling factors considered are the seismic source model (Source Model), the GMPE (GMPE), the number of standard deviations considered at their application (std), the Gutenberg-Richter (G-R) constants a and b, the maximum and minimum magnitude considered (Mmax and Mmin, respectively) and the dominant rupture type (SoF). The analysis of the results shows that the controlling factors that mainly affect the PSHA results are the Source model (especially the uncertainties in the G-R parameters, a and b) and the GMPE. Mmax mostly affects PGV, while having minor effect on PGA. The other factors are generally of minor importance. For the computational needs of this thesis, two codes were created, one to produce synthetic seismicity catalogs and one for the PSHA calculations, with the use of the Monte Carlo simulation method. Three new statistical conversion relations between the different types of distances required in GMPE are proposed and evaluated, namely conversion of epicentral distance (Repi) to Joyner Boore distance (RJB), of hypocentral distance (Rhypo) to rupture distance (Rrup) and of Repi to the distance measured perpendicular to the strike of the fault (Rx). PSHA results using these statistical relationships show a good agreement with those evaluated by calculating the distances geometrically. 3D and 4D seismic hazard deaggregation regarding 42 indicative sites of the Greek area is carried out, through which the characteristics of the most possible earthquake (e.g. size, coordinates, distance) that may result in strong ground motion exceeding the calculated level of seismic hazard of a site. The results show that most sites are mainly affected by earthquakes occurring within the seismic source to which they belong, with a magnitude of 5.0-6.0 at close distances (up to 20 km) and by earthquakes of larger magnitudes (Μ>6.0) at farther distances (up to 50 km). In addition, many sites are affected both by nearby earthquakes (up to 50 km) occurring within the source to which they belong and by more distant earthquakes (up to 100 km) of large magnitude (Μ>7.0) that belong to seismotectonic zones that describe well-known tectonic structures of the broader Aegean area, such as the S. Aegean subduction zone (outer Hellenic arc).
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