Κινηματική της Παραμόρφωσης και Γεωτεκτονική Τοποθέτηση του συμπλέγματος Μαμωνίων και των Οφιολιθικών Μειγμάτων της ΝΔ Κύπρου = Structural Architecture, Kinematics of Deformation and Geotectonic Evolution of Mamonia Complex and Ophiolite Mẻlanges of SW Cyprus.
The aim of this study is to observe the geological and tectonic processes which affected the Mamonia Complex in south-southwest Cyprus. The Mamonia Complex is characterized by complicated geodynamic evolution, and along with the metamorphic rocks of Ayia Varvara Formation are the triggering of understanding the geodynamic evolution and palaeogeography of the Neotethyan ocean. The Mamonia Complex can be subdivided into two fundamental tectono-sedimentary units, the Dhiarizos Group, and the Ayios Photios Group. Dhiarizos Group (Upper Triassic) consists of sedimentary and volcanic rocks, while the Ayios Photios Group (Upper Triassic-Middle Cretaceous) consists of sedimentary formations. A stratigraphic hiatus is recognized between the underlying Fms of Ayios Photios, Vlambouros and Marona (Upper Triassic), and the overlying radiolitic sequence of Episkopi Fm [Middle Jurassic (Callovian-Vellangian)]. From a sample by Episkopi section a significant age is established. The co-occuerences of species Bernoullius rectispinus leporinus Conti & Marcucci, Hexasaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) and Theocapsommella cucurbiformis (Baumgartner) characterizes the Unitary Association Zone 6 (U.A.Z. 6) which is correlated with the Middle Vathonian. According to that we here propose extend down to the Bathonian the known age range of the Episkopi Fm, thereby reducing the stratigraphic hiatus between it and the underlying Upper Triassic Vlambouros and Marona Fms. The amphibole geothermometer (T) estimate of temperatures about 300oC until 720oC with a decrease of temperature from the core to rim of amphiboles. The plagioclase-amphibole geobarometer (P) of the metamorphic rocks estimate of about 8 until 15kbar at 650oC and from 7 until 15kbar at 705oC. Based on values of temperature and pressure the metamorphic rocks of Ayia Varvara Fm, in this study, they are characterized as typical rocks of metamorphic sole. A combination of metamorphic conditions with fieldwork observations that carried out in the type area of Mamonia Complex, five tectonics events was extracted which was contributed of its geodynamic evolution. The Upper Ctetaceous [Touronian-Campanian/90-83 Ma ή 90-76 Ma amphibolite ages by Spray & Roddick (1981) and Chan et al. (2007), respectively] tectonic event D0 is related to the intra-oceanic subduction and the amphibolite phase that is observed on the metamorphic sole rocks of Ayia Varvara Fm. The tectonic event D1 [Upper Cretaceous (Upper Campanian-Maastrichtian/70-68 Ma)] is related to the gradual uplift of metamorphic sole rocks of Ayia Varvara Fm as well as the obduction of Trodos-Akama ophiolitic rocks. On this event the metamorphism that affected the metamorphic rocks of Ayia Varvara Fm reaches to medium-grade greenschist facies. The tectonic event D2 [Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian/65 Ma)] is related to the intensely imbrication of the formations in south-southwest Cyprus with main kinematic to the SW and the local back-thrusting. The tectonic event D3 (Upper Oligocene-Early Miocene) is related to extensional rifting tectonic and it is characterized by medium dip angles oblique-normal faults to generally strike-slip faults. The last tectonic event D4 is related to the contemporary regime. Based on GNSS analysis as well as the field observations, this event is associated with coeval compression and extension. Compression mainly direction is to NNW-SSE, while that of the extension is to ENE-WSW.
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