Επιπτώσεις του αρσενικού και του σεληνίου στο περιβάλλον και στην ανθρώπινη υγεία = Effects of arsenic and selenium on the environment and human health.
Environmental mineralogy is an interdisciplinary branch of mineralogy which focuses, inter alia, on the effects of minerals and chemical elements on human health and, more generally, the interactions between the geosphere, the biosphere, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. Additionally, it deals with methods of preventing or reducing the spread of pollutants produced by anthropogenic exploitation of the Earth's resources, understanding of both pure systems and those contaminated by human activities, as well as various other environmental or health issues. Geochemistry, geomicrobiology, modern analytical and theoretical methods of molecular scale, as well as spectroscopic and computational modeling techniques are used as tools to achieve the goals of environmental mineralogy. It is a highly multifaceted, geoscientific discipline that combines environmental sciences, physics, chemistry, and biology and a complete review of all its aspects is not possible in this work. Instead, the aim of this work is to focus on the environmental and health effects of selenium and arsenic, with an emphasis on the adverse effects that these two elements have on the human body.
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