Υπολογισμός και ανάλυση των τιμών του ERF για μια ομάδα ρύπων (CH₄, GHGs, HC, N₂O, O₃) σε σχέση με τα προβιομηχανικά επίπεδα με βάση το μοντέλο UKESM1 = calculation and analysis of the ERF valus for a group of pollutants (CH₄, GHGs, HC, N₂O, O₃) in relation to the pre-industrial levels based on the UKESM1 model.
In the following project, the variable ERF (Effective Radiative Forcing) is examined. ERF is a variable which concerns the change in the Earth's radiation balance in relation to the increase or decrease of a pollutant or a group of pollutants, resulting in warming or cooling. The pollutants examined are methane which is a gaseous hydrocarbon, greenhouse gases which are a basic group of pollutants for the temperature of the planet since they are responsible for the greenhouse effect, halocarbons which include the much-discussed chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide which is mainly produced in the soil and ozone which is a beneficial pollutant in the stratosphere and a harmful one in the troposphere. The data stem from the UKESM1 climatic model of the CMIP6 (Coupled Model Interpolation Project 6). The analysis of the data, to extract the results is done using the R programming language in RStudio, while through it maps are also produced that show the state of the ERF in relation to each pollutant or group of pollutants making clear the existence of heating or cooling. In the end a comparison with other models and projects is being presented. As it is revealed by the results and the comparison there are some ERF values that agree with other models and projects and some others that diverge.
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