Τα κοιτάσματα των μετάλλων για την αποθήκευση ενέργειας στις μπαταρίες = The deposits of metals for energy storage in batteries.
The planet today is experiencing huge technological changes. The low-carbon energy transition is becoming a priority and is a major contributor to the global demand for battery metals. Due to this shift to renewable energy sources, battery metals are becoming increasingly important, to the extent that they are now triggering geopolitical tensions between countries. In this thesis, lithium, nickel and cobalt, three of the most important battery metals, will be analyzed in regard to their uses, their economic evolution, the major producing countries and, of course, there will be a thorough report on the most important deposits of these metals. Besides, considering their steadily increasing demand, a deeper and more critical look at the major deposits of the elements is considered necessary.
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