Μελέτη της δυναμικής κλιματολογίας των βροχοφόρων συνοπτικών συστημάτων καιρού κατά την ψυχρή περίοδο του έτους στην Κεντρική και βόρεια Ελλάδα = Dynamic climatology of short scale rainfall weather systems of central-northernGreece during the cold period.
The aim of the present thesis is to examine the contribution of synoptic rainy weather systems to the total precipitation in Central – Northern Greece, as well as to study the variations in the intensity of synoptic rain systems, during the cold four-month period (November – February). Two types of data were used, the climatic parameter of precipitation and atmospheric/dynamic parameters associated with the occurrence of precipitation at the synoptic scale. More specifically, the climatological characteristics of both the frequency of these cases per month and year, as well as the dynamic characteristics of the corresponding weather systems are studied. The atmospheric parameters used in this work are the dynamic parameters of the lower troposphere (maximum value of the horizontal temperature gradient and warm convection) and the cyclogenic characteristics of the upper troposphere (positive potential vorticity transfer, cold convection and cyclonic vorticity, etc.), within or near the area defined by the five available stations, on the day of the observed precipitation.
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