Οι πολύτιμοι και ημιπολύτιμοι λίθοι της Ελλάδας = Gemstones of Greece.
Λέξεις-κλειδιά: πολύτιμος λίθος, Ελλάδα, κορούνδιο, χαλαζίας
The present thesis concerns the study and presentation of some precious and semi-precious rocks (gemstones) all over Greece. The thesis aims to highlight the mineral resources of Greece, listing the most important Greek regions where gemstones findings have been sparsely found and their formation combined with the provision of photographic material. In the present thesis, the meaning/concept is specifically referred by definition while indicative mineralogical composition and crystallizing environments of the most significant findings in Greece are described. In further analysis, the gemstones which are located in high degree metamorphic units, in skarn zones and in magmatic – hydrothermal environments are referred. Finally, a short description of gemstones along with a selected photographic material will be mentioned.
Key words: gemstone, Greece, corundum, quartz
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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- Panagiotis Voudouris, Constantinos Mavrogonatos, Ian Graham, Gaston Giuliani, Vasilios Melfos, Stefanos Karampelas, Vilelmini Karantoni, Kandy Wang, Alexandre Tarantola, Khin Zaw, Sebastien Meffre, Stephan Klemme, Jasper Berndt, Stefanie Heidrich, Federica Zaccarini, Anthony Fallick, Maria Tsortanidis and Andreas Lampridis, 2019. Gem Corundum Deposits of Greece: Geology, Mineralogy and Genesis.
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