Διαδικασίες μετασωμάτωσης στον ωκεάνιο φλοιό = Metasomatic processes within the oceanic crust.
Λέξεις-κλειδιά: μετασωμάτωση, υδροθερμικά διαλύματα, ωκεάνιος φλοιός, διάχυση, διήθηση, κοιτάσματα, πολύτιμα μέταλλα
The present study examines the metasomatic processes within the oceanic crust. The oceanic crust undergoes extensive chemical changes when it reacts with seawater, which play a decisive role in setting the chemical and isotopic composition of the oceans and their rocks. These changes are the result of metasomatism, a process that has the ability to alter the chemical and mineralogical composition of rocks. In order to understand the effect of metasomatism, it is necessary to explain the reasons that cause this process and the criteria that are required to complete it. Consequently, the function of fluids that cause all these metasomatic processes, also known as hydrothermal fluids, is very important. Additionally, of high importance are diffusional or infiltrational mass-transfer, the area of the oceanic crust that is affected and their chemical components. Thus, metasomatism beyond being a process that controls the chemical composition of oceans and oceanic crust, it is also considered one of the main factors for the formation of precious-metal ore deposits, both globally, and in the Greek area as well. To summarize, the present bibliographic survey presents the possible future contribution of these fluids to the rise of geodynamic events. As for metasomatic rocks, their presence is an indicator for the existence of precious ore deposits.
Key-words: metasomatism, hydrothermal fluids, oceanic crust, infiltration, diffusion, ore deposits, precious metals
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