Κοιτάσματα τύπου skarn = Skarn type deposits.
The present diploma thesis refers to the skarn type deposits. Initially, an analysis of the term “Metal”, from a chemical point of view, is carried out and the physical and chemical properties of various metals are mentioned. The types of metamorphism are presented, focusing on contact metamorphism and the specification of its characteristics and also the result of its effect, from mineralogical and geochemical point of view. Additionally, particular emphasis is placed on the concepts of metasomatism and hydrothermal solutions and their contribution on the formation of skarn related deposits, due to the reaction of magma-derived fluids with the surrounding rocks. Then, the skarn deposits are classified according to their morphological characteristics into subcategories. Skarn deposits are also divided according to their composition, i.e. based on the main chemical element. Finally, after emphasizing the importance of skarn deposits, four deposits are described, two from abroad and two from Greece.
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