Διερεύνηση των συνθηκών θεμελίωσης δεδομένων βιοαερίου για την παραγωγή ηλεκτρικης ενέργειας = Investigation of the foundation conditions for thw construction of biogas tanks for electric power generation,
In order to investigate the foundation’s conditions of a construction, it is important to determine the mechanical characteristics of the subsoil and specifically its shear strength and compressibility. The optimal way to achieve this is by conducting triaxial tests (triaxial compression or direct shear tests). In the present thesis and in the context of the investigation of the subsoil’s mechanical behavior in the Αrma, Eleonas and Leukonas area, laboratory soil mechanics tests were conducted to produce shear strength and compressibility parameters. Based on the laboratory tests results, trial tests were carried out on the foundation of the under construction buildings, in order to estimate the bearing capacity of the soil and the corresponding value of allowable stress and respective settlement.
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