Μελέτη της επαφής Βασικών διεισδύσεων σε Μεταϊζήματα της Περιροδοπικής Ζώνης, Ν. Θεσσαλονίκης = Study of the Contact between Mafic Intrusions and Metasedimentary rocks of the Circum Rhodope Belt, Perfecture of Thessaloniki, Greece.
The study area belongs to the Circum Rhodope belt. It consists of ophiolites, mainly gabbros and metabasalts, which are overthrusted by metavolcanosedimentary rocks. The latter comprise metarhyolites and turbidites. Turbidites are composed of alternations of metasandstones and metargillaceous rocks, which are overthrusted by Triassic limestones. All rocks have been affected by grenschist facies metamorphism. Contacts have been observed between gabbro and turbidites, as well as between gabbro and metarhyolite. Οbservations and analyses have led to the conclusion that both contacts are tectonic. At the contact between gabbro and metarhyolite, the rock becomes dark-coloured, fine-grained and very hard. Mineralogically, it consists mainly of quartz, chlorite, magnetite and garnet, with few plagioclase and apatite crystals. Garnet, magnetite and chlorite appear to be rich in manganese. These minerals are formed in the microcracks of the metarhyolite possibly by fluids of metamorphic origin during the regional metamorphism of the rocks, without excluding their formation from meteoric and groundwater. The ophiolitic suite is considered to be the Mn source.
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