Μελέτη της Σεισμικότητας της Κεντρικής και Νότιας Αμερικής με την χρήση του Κρυπτο-Μαρκοβιανού Μοντέλου = Study of the Seismicity of Central and South America using the Hidden Markov Model.
έως 4.9. Η εκτίμηση σεισμικού κινδύνου πραγματοποιείται για τα επόμενα 30 χρόνια για κάθε ζώνη.
Earthquakes are one of the most hazardous natural phenomena that affect the tectonic structure of the crust but also may cause various changes in the lives of people. Various models have been used to estimate the seismic risk in earthquake-prone areas, including stochastic models. Aiming at the most rapid and effective assessment of seismic hazard, this thesis followed a specific stochastic model, the hidden-Markov Poisson model, using data from an earthquake catalog. The Baum-Welch algorithm, a special case of the Expectation – Maximization (EM) algorithm, was used to estimate the parameters of this model. In the studied regions of Central and South America, due to the active tectonics of these regions, extensive disasters are observed mainly due to very large earthquakes (e.g. 1960, Mw=9.5, Chile) as well as the generation of tsunami waves. In order to study more precisely and then assess the seismic risk of the individual areas, they were divided into ten zones according to seismotectonic and geomorphological criteria. The minimum magnitude of earthquakes chosen for our study depends on the completeness of the data in each zone. In this way, the minimum magnitude calculated for each zone ranges from 4.5 to 4.9. Seismic hazard assessment is carried out for the next 30 years for each zone.
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