
Τεύχος Τίτλος
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 5 (2010) Manganese mineralisations at the base of miocene sediments in northern Sardinia (Italy)  PDF
S. Fadda, M. Fiori, S. Pretti, P. Valera
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 4 (2010) Evidence for induced seismicity following the 2001 Skyros mainshock  PDF
Α. Κ. Αδαμάκη, , Β. Γ. Καρακώστας
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 4 (2010) Could water co-management contribute to peace, in Middle east?  PDF
Βασίλειος Γ. Χρηστάρας
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 3 (2010) Ευρετήριο συγγραφέων = Author index  PDF
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 3 (2010) Περιεχόμενα = Contents  PDF
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 2 (2010) High resolution biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the early pliocene succession of Pissouri basin (Cyprus island)  PDF
Μ. Β. Τριανταφύλλου, Α. Αντωναράκου, Χ. Δρίνια, Μ. Δ. Δημητζά, Γ. Κοντακιώτης, Ε. Τσολάκης, Γ. Θεοδώρου
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 1 (2010) The contribution of marine geology to the socio-economic development of Greece : marine resources, infrastructure, environment sustainability, cultural heritage. A brief account of the 30 years contribution of the laboratoryof marine geology and physical oceanography  PDF
Γ. Φερεντίνος
Τόμ. 44 (2010) The sedimentology of the modern lagoons in the Western Peloponnesus Περίληψη  PDF
Νικόλαος Κοντόπουλος, Δ. Μπούζος
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 5 (2010) A case study of different limestones during quick lime and slaked-lime production  PDF
Γ. Λεοντακιανάκος, Ι. Βαζιώτης, Γ. Σ. Οικονόμου, Γ. Δελαγραμμάτικας, Κ. Τ. Γκαλμπένης, Σ. Τσίμας
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 4 (2010) Semi-markov models for seismic hazard assessment in certain areas of Greece  PDF
Ι. Βότση, Ν. Λημνιός, Γ. Τσακλίδης, Ελευθερία Ε. Παπαδημητρίου
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 4 (2010) Groundwater quality of the Ag. Paraskevi/Tempi valley karstic springs- application of a tracing test for research of the microbial pollutio (Kato Olympos/NE Thessaly)  PDF
Γεώργιος Ν. Σταμάτης
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 3 (2010) New proposed GSI classification charts for weak or complex rock masses  PDF
Π. Β. Μαρίνος
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 2 (2010) Petrological characters of the Early Cretaceous boeothian flysch, (Central Greece)  PDF
Κ. Κυριακόπουλος, Βασίλης Καρακίτσιος, Μ. Τσιπούρα-Βλάχου, G. Barbera, P. Mazzoleni, D. Puglisi
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 1 (2010) The status of stratigraphy in the 21st century  PDF
Μιχαήλ Δ. Δερμιτζάκης
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 5 (2010) Comparison of sampling techniques for isotopic analysis of shallow marine carbonates  PDF
Δ. Ψωμιάδης, Ε. Δοτσίκα, Κ. Αλμπανάκης, Ν. Ζήση, Δ. Πουτούκης, Α Λαζαρίδης
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 4 (2010) Relationship between the transmissibility of the ''Athens Schists'' and the percentage of their competent rock component  PDF
Γ. Δ. Κούνης, Κ. Γ. Κούνης
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 3 (2010) Rock slope stability problems in natural sightseeing areas - an example from Arvanitia, Nafplio, Greece  PDF
Κ. Λουπασάκης, Δ. Γαλανάκης, Δημήτριος Ε. Ρόζος
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 3 (2010) Environmental planning of abandoned quarries rehabilitation - a methodology  PDF
Ελεονώρα Χάγιου, Γαρυφαλιά Κωνσταντοπούλου
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 2 (2010) Selection of the path of the Eupalinos aqueduct at ancient Samos on the basis of geodeticand geological/geotechnical criteria  PDF
Στάθης Στείρος, Β.Α. Κοντογιάννη
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 2 (2010) Sedimentological and geochemical characterization of Holocene sediments, from Aikes lagoon, Zakynthos island, Western Greece  PDF
Π. Αβραμίδης, Δ. Παναγιωταράς, Δ. Π. Παπουλής, Νικόλαος Κοντόπουλος
Τόμ. 40, Αρ. 1 (2007) Identifying fault activity in the central Evoikos gulf (Greece)  PDF
Θ. Ροντογιάννη, Δ. Γαλανάκης, Χ. Γεωργίου, Ι. Γ. Μπασκουτάς
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 5 (2010) Mineralogy of chromitite, Bulqiza ultramaficmassif, albanian ophiolitic complex  PDF
A. Cina
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 4 (2010) The application of environmental magnetism techniques for pollution assessment in urban and suburban areas in Greece: state of the art and case studies  PDF
Ι Ζανανίρι, Δ. Κοντοπούλου, S. Spassov
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 4 (2010) Περιεχόμενα = Contents  PDF
Τόμ. 43, Αρ. 3 (2010) Macroseismicity and geological effects of the Wenchuan earthquake (Ms 8.0R - 12 May 2008), Sichuan, China: macro- distribution and comparison of EMS 1998 and ESI 2007 intensities  PDF
Ευθύμιος Λ. Λέκκας
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