Γεωφυσικές μετρήσεις τοίχων και θεμελιώσεων μνημείων
This thesis deals with the application of non-destructive geophysical techniques to the walls and to the foundations of the Heptapyrgion fortress, in combination with the modeling of geophysical data. The aim was to investigate and propose optimum methodological approaches regarding the wall and foundation geophysical investigation by means of combined geophysical prospection and finally to draw conclusions about the internal structure of the investigated wall and of the ground of the Heptapyrgion fortress. In order to achieve the above, the methods of ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) were used at specific locations of the Heptapyrgion walls along with the simultaneous modeling of GPR data, while on the ground the methods of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) were used. Furthermore, three Matlab based computer programs have been developed to help visualize three-dimensional GPR data, to boost the production of more complex theoretical synthetic models and to grant the ability of processing to their results. From the wall survey, it was possible to map areas with significant moisture problems, to map and identify different construction phases as well as to locate possible internal structural problems. Regarding the ground survey, that revealed the true depth of the geological background, as well as possible geological faults. In conclusion, the choice and the way of applying these methods proved to be successful as methods were complementary to each other and the result helps to obtain improved interpretations. Furthermore, the GPR model simulations proved to be an important tool regarding the interpretation.
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