Καταγραφή και μελέτη της αρχαίας μεταλλευτικής δραστηριότητας στο όρος Παγγαίο, Α. Μακεδονία
The present thesis studies the ancient mining and metallurgical process in the Mount Pangaeon in northeastern Greece. Totally, 9 mining sites and 11 metallurgical areas were recorded and studied in the mass of the mountain. The ores at the studied mining areas at the central-eastern part of the mountain based on the present study’s analyses contain Au, Ag, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Mn and substantial quantities of Bi, Te, W, V, Co, B, Sb, Cr and U, related with various mineral assemblages including pyrite, arsenopyrite, galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite as well as minor bismuthinite, tetrahedrite, malachite, limonite and rutile. The ore at the studied mining areas at western part of Pangaeon contains Ag, Pb, Zn, Fe, Mn, As, Cu and minor Ba,V, Sb, La, Ce, Cd, Hg and Sr. The ore is hosted in sheeted quartz veins at the mass of the plutonite as well as in the contact with the overlying marbles. The main ore deposits are found along fissures mainly in marbles and less in schists. Amphibolites and shear zones play a damming role in the hydrothermal fluids movement with the main ore deposition in tectonic discontinuities just below them. The mining process during antiquity was focused on the oxidized ore following the main tectonic discontinuities and the schistosity of the marbles. The ore is enriched in Au, Ag as well as in Cu and Pb. The main mining tools were the hammer and the chisel. The extracted ores rich in Au, Ag, Cu, Pb and Fe were transferred to the metallurgical centers where enrichment and smelting was carried out. The metals produced from the smelting were Au, Ag and Cu based on the analysis of metallurgical slags. The production was focused on noble metals and also in the secondary exctraction of Cu and Pb. Only in the Domatia metallurgical site Fe production is recorded with a probable slag resmelting. The ancient mining and metallurgical process in Pangaeon is very difficult to be dated due to the absence of excavation data. Only in the Valtuda area where an archaeological excavation was carried out the metallurgical process of Cu is dated to Roman times. The oldest pottery finds are dated to Hellenistic times. An intensification of the mining and metallurgical process according to archaeological surface findings is recorded during Roman times. An intense activity is also reported during post-byzantine and ottoman times. On the basis of the studied data Pangaeon Mount constitutes one of the most important mining and metallurgical areas of ancient Greece with an intermediate model of local metal production included in a broader metal production system.
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